In light of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, the elders of Sovereign Grace Chapel encourage members and attendees who gather on Sunday or any other meetings to practice social distancing and hand washing.
There is hand sanitizer available through the building. Bathrooms, door handles and other things cleaned and sanitized with disinfectant wipes every week. There are recommended seating sections for families and singles to keep the CDC recommended 6 feet distance apart from one another.
Also, the service is on video in the Reformation room if one would like to maintain further distance. We also have discontinued our normal snacks and coffee to further prevent any unnecessary transmission of a virus.
Church gatherings have been placed under essential business per Governor DeWine’s order and we will continue to meet but we also understand that meeting during this time might be against the conscience and safety recommendations of some. Therefore, we aim to have our Sunday 11am service live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. There is also the option of listening to the service through FM transmission on 95:7 in the parking lot.